Take on Life’s Firsts

About Wealth in your 20s & 30s

Your 20s and 30s represent a period of growth in both your personal and financial lives. It is an exhilarating time filled with many firsts!

This is often the first time people have a sizable income—and sizable expenses to match.

This is the perfect time to plan, save, and start growing. Properly managing your finances now will pay off in spades down the line.

Changing your negative thoughts and emotions about money will create a positive impact on your future. The earlier you get started, the better.

Managing emotions and behaviors about money

Emotions drive your financial decisions. Impulsive spending and debt is common and will negatively impact your ability to achieve long-term goals.

  • Line up your spending habits with your long-term goals and values.
  • Enjoy this period of your life, just be smart about it.
Stories impact financial emotions and behaviors

The stories we tell ourselves about our own past and present experiences dictate how our lives will unfold in the future—our financial lives are no exception.

  • A negative financial story casts a fog around the way we think about and use money.
  • We gain financial clarity during even the most hectic times in our lives by transforming our financial story in a positive way.
Seize the Day

Your financial decisions during this time will impact the life you lead in the future. Set yourself up for a bright tomorrow while enjoying your life today! Schedule a consultation with Jen to gain valuable financial insight and clarity during this bustling period of your life.

What Our Clients Say
I've heard a thousand times that I have a poverty mindset, but it just takes that one time, that one moment, for it to really click. You did that for me and my life is changing drastically because of it.

– Valerie O.

What we love about working with Jen is that she gives us trustworthy, specific advice tailored to our individual situation.

– Cheyenne L.

Jen is accountable to the decisions that we make while helping us make financial choices that align with what truly matters most to us.

– Cory C.

Jen laid out our options, refers us to the best people to build out our financial team and helps us see how the action items we have at the end of each call, fit into the big picture.

– Audrey K.

We've found her coaching an invaluable component in creating a life that serves us, our family, and sets us up for long-term financial resilience.

– Sarah M.